Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rough Draft 1

The day finally came. The day we had to get our cats Rowdie and Katie spayed and neutered.The vet told us to go home and wait till tomorrow to pick them up. In that one night I thought about all the things that could go wrong. For the rest of the day I freaked out. Finally we went back to the vets. The vet put cones on the cats and to keep them from biting there stitches. The vet told us to keep them in separate cages. A few weeks later we were able to let Rowdie out of his cage. But Katie was still left in her cage. In that time that Katie was in her cage I started to get more connected with her. When the time came to let her out of her cage we noticed that her stomach was way to big. We took her to the vet and they said that Katie had a fluid leak in her chest. They said they would have to drain the fluid every couple of days for awhile and we would have to put her back in her cage. Again I was sitting in my room thinking about how hard it must be to sit in that cage all day. I thought how lonely it must be. And with that thought I spent every day with Katie until she was well. Day by day me and Katie grew a stronger relationship with each other. In order to keep me entertained in the room I turned on my TV. When we were able to let her out of the cage to let here roam around the room we had to change things up. She still had her cone on so she could easily trip or get stuck. Plus we had to make sure that she didn't jump or run so we had to slant things so she could climb. We also needed one person to be in the room when she is out. That person was me. It was not because I was forced to it was because I wanted to. The reason was because I became so attached to her I didn't want to leave her. When the time came that Katie could be let out of the room she still had to keep her cone on. We had to keep a constant watch on her so she couldn't jump, run, or get pounced on by her brother. We also had to make sure she could eat and drink. but the worst part was the cat litter would get stuck on her cone and we had to wipe it off.

After all that hard work we did to keep her safe it payed off. She was in that cone for a month and a week after Christmas we could take it off. She's now back to her old spazzy self thanks to her bothers constant pouncing. I still love Katie even after all that and I never won't.

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